Teenagers frequently experience violence in their dating relationships. In most cases teenagers are involved in their first relationship and don’t have any other dating experience. Violence can occur and the victim may think it’s ok because they don’t have anything to compare it against but this is not the case. Statistics show that “one in three teenagers has experienced violence in a dating relationship” (acadv.org) and that is an alarming rate. This type of violence is about maintaining power and control over the other person through abuse. Dating violence does not have any boundaries it can cross all racial, economic and social lines like we saw with Chris Brown and Rihanna. In most cases the victims are young women.
Dating violence can often go under the radar of most people because teenagers are so new to dating and are inexperience. There can also be “pressure by peers to act violently” (acadv.org) especially when it comes to the males because males tend to be more aggressive than women. Also teenagers want to have their independence from their parents and think they have all the answers. Teenagers are very reluctant to tell their parents much especially when it comes to relationships.
This violence can also be influenced by how teenagers look at themselves and other people. Both young men and women can have different views. First for young women they may believe that they “are responsible for solving problems in their relationships, their boyfriend’s jealousy, possessiveness and even physical abuse is romantic, and that abuse is normal” (acadv.org) because their friends and family might go through it as well. The young men might believe that they have the “right to control their female partners in any way necessary, masculinity is physical aggressiveness, they possess their partner, and they should demand intimacy” (acadv.org) and also they might believe they will lose a certain respect from their friends and girlfriends if they are supportive and attentive toward their girlfriends.
To avoid being in a abusive relationship there are a few things to notice or early warning signs that can help you realize if your partner may become or is abusive. Some clues might be:
Ø Extreme jealousy
Ø Shows hypersensitivity
Ø Believes in rigid sex roles
Ø Blames others for his problems or feelings
Ø Cruel to animals or children
Ø Verbally abusive
Ø Abused former partners
Ø Threatens violence
Ø Controlling behavior
Ø Quick involvement
Ø Unpredictable mood swings
Ø Alcohol and drug use
Ø Explosive anger
Ø Isolates you from friends and family
Ø Uses force during an argument
Also there are some common clues that might indicate if a teenager is experiencing dating violence. Some of the signs are:
Ø Physical signs of injury
Ø Truancy, dropping out of school
Ø Failing grades
Ø Indecision
Ø Changes in mood or personality
Ø Use of drugs/alcohol
Ø Pregnancy
Ø Emotional outburst
Ø Isolation
If you are involved in an abusive relationship you must remember that it is not your fault and no one deserves to be abused or threatened. You must get away from your abuser and seek help before it is to late. Abusers tend to get worse over time and not better so it is important for people who are in abusive relationship to take care of themselves and get the help they need because no one deserves it.
Dating violence can often go under the radar of most people because teenagers are so new to dating and are inexperience. There can also be “pressure by peers to act violently” (acadv.org) especially when it comes to the males because males tend to be more aggressive than women. Also teenagers want to have their independence from their parents and think they have all the answers. Teenagers are very reluctant to tell their parents much especially when it comes to relationships.
This violence can also be influenced by how teenagers look at themselves and other people. Both young men and women can have different views. First for young women they may believe that they “are responsible for solving problems in their relationships, their boyfriend’s jealousy, possessiveness and even physical abuse is romantic, and that abuse is normal” (acadv.org) because their friends and family might go through it as well. The young men might believe that they have the “right to control their female partners in any way necessary, masculinity is physical aggressiveness, they possess their partner, and they should demand intimacy” (acadv.org) and also they might believe they will lose a certain respect from their friends and girlfriends if they are supportive and attentive toward their girlfriends.
To avoid being in a abusive relationship there are a few things to notice or early warning signs that can help you realize if your partner may become or is abusive. Some clues might be:
Ø Extreme jealousy
Ø Shows hypersensitivity
Ø Believes in rigid sex roles
Ø Blames others for his problems or feelings
Ø Cruel to animals or children
Ø Verbally abusive
Ø Abused former partners
Ø Threatens violence
Ø Controlling behavior
Ø Quick involvement
Ø Unpredictable mood swings
Ø Alcohol and drug use
Ø Explosive anger
Ø Isolates you from friends and family
Ø Uses force during an argument
Also there are some common clues that might indicate if a teenager is experiencing dating violence. Some of the signs are:
Ø Physical signs of injury
Ø Truancy, dropping out of school
Ø Failing grades
Ø Indecision
Ø Changes in mood or personality
Ø Use of drugs/alcohol
Ø Pregnancy
Ø Emotional outburst
Ø Isolation
If you are involved in an abusive relationship you must remember that it is not your fault and no one deserves to be abused or threatened. You must get away from your abuser and seek help before it is to late. Abusers tend to get worse over time and not better so it is important for people who are in abusive relationship to take care of themselves and get the help they need because no one deserves it.
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