Saturday, May 2, 2009

Hate Crime in PA

According to an article from fox news two teenagers from Pottsville Pennsylvania were acquitted of third-degree murder, aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation charges yesterday. The teens were accused of beating a Mexican immigrant to death and Prosecutors called the “beating death of an illegal immigrant from Mexico a hate crime”. Not only did these two teens get acquitted but the jury was an all-white jury in Pennsylvania coal country. I thought that jury’s couldn’t be all the same race because of bias, but I guess this didn’t matter because it happened in Pennsylvania and not New York. Images are from fox news.

Brandon Piekarsky, who is 17, was acquitted of third-degree murder and ethnic intimidation. Derrick Donchak, who is 19, was acquitted of aggravated assault and ethnic intimidation. Both teenagers were convicted of simple assault. Both brutally beat the 25-year-old Hispanic man, Luis Ramirez, and were only charged with a simple assault. A representative of the Ramirez’s family states that these jurors got it wrong. Glady’s Limon who is the staff attorney for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, was at the trial and informed the Ramirez’s family of the verdict is outraged by the outcome of this case. She says, "There's been a complete failure of justice...It's just outrageous and very difficult to understand how any juror could have had reasonable doubt…clearly established that Luis Ramirez was brutally beaten."

The case brought ethnic tensions in Shenandoah PA, which is described as “a blue-collar town of 5,000 that has lured Hispanic residents drawn by cheap housing and jobs in nearby factories and farm fields”. The 2000 U.S. Census showed that Schuylkill County's population was “96.6 percent white, with 1.1 percent of the county listed as Hispanic or Latino” meaning most people haven’t even seen a non-white person.

This is insane how people today are still being racist we are in 2009 why do people still hate other people. Is it because he wasn’t a citizen or because he didn’t have the same color skin as them? Also how is it possible to have an all white jury especially when there is a hate crime at hand? It just makes me think how corrupt our legal system still is along with all the other problems our country has right now. I think these kids should have gotten more of a sentence instead with a slap on the wrist which is basically what they got. It makes me wonder if they didn’t happen in Bumblefuck PA and it happened in a major city like NY, if these kids would have gotten the same sentence or a different one.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sick people who hurt innocent animals

In an article from fox news a few months ago two teenagers named Angelo Monderoy, 18, and Matthew Cooper, 17, broke into a vacant apartment in Brooklyn and set a cat on fire. The kings County District Attorney Charles J. Hynes said that the teenagers poured charcoal lighter fluid on the cat while holding it down. They then set fire to the cat causing very deep wounds and fourth-degree burns. The cat was found outside, unable to move and was crying but still alive and later was euthanized at an animal hospital. The ASPCA which stands for American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals investigation lead to the capture of these two teens and they were indicted. In addition the fire also damaged the building where other people were in fact living. Because of this the two teenagers could spend 25 years in prison for allegedly torturing and killing a cat they set on fire when they broke into an apartment in New York City. The charges they face are second-degree arson, second-degree burglary and aggravated animal cruelty. Image was found on flickr.

Another incident of this happened in Mount Vernon recently where someone set a draw which had kittens in it on fire. The kittens were only 2 weeks old when they were set fire The kittens were rescued and survived but were meant to be left for dead. According to Shannon Laukhuf who is the executive director for the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of Westchester says that “Unfortunately we have been seeing a lot more cruelty lately than we care to see…But I've never seen anything like this though, when four kittens were blatantly set on fire."

After these two stories I am sickened by it because I have no remorse for people who hurt animals. People who hurt animals are usually sociopaths who are people who don’t feel emotion. If these people are hurting animals what’s to stop them from hurting people too. These people belong in jail for the maximum sentence and should definitely seek mental help. If you think someone is hurting or neglecting an animal you can call the SPCA’s of Westchester’s 24 hour confidential tip line at 914-941-7797.

Swine Flu how did it get here????

A group of students from Queens might be the reason that the Swine flu. Image is from flickr. According to an article from the nytimes says that Esti Lamonaca and her friends are under a national spotlight as the health officials try to figure out whether this group of teenagers are the reason there is a swine flu outbreak in New York. This group of students spent five months planning a trip to Mexico to celebrate their senior year of high school. They choose the Oasis Cancun hotel, and it was a dream vacation for the students. Esti Lamonaca said the trip was “awesome”.

This new flu strain is responsible for killing 149 people and sickened more than 1,600 in Mexico. This could easily become a global pandemic, because of all the traveling people do. About 45 cases have been confirmed in the United States and 28 of them were from students at St. Francis Preparatory School in Queens, where Ms. Lamonaca and 7 of the 11 friends she vacationed with are students.

Health officials caution that they are not sure yet whether the vacationers, who came back to school on April 20 after the six-day trip, caused the outbreak. There was a questionnaire given to students at St. Francis asked about travel to Mexico, but also to California and Texas. Ms. Lamonaca said it was not fair to blame her and her friends for the outbreak and says “No one can prove it”. Ms. Lamonaca said she began to feel sick last week, with a sore throat, aching back and a cough, and is now feeling better. However the article states that she had not been tested for the swine flu. So how can we blame someone for this epidemic if they haven’t even been tested for it to confirm they brought it hear?

Car Crashes

In an article from the nytimes says that car accidents and crashes are the leading cause of death for people aged 16 to 20 years old. Image is from flickr. There are about 5,500 or more teenagers who are drivers or passengers that die from car crashes each year. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, about 450,000 teenagers are injured, 27,000 of them requiring hospitalization because of these accidents. From the amount of people who are killed 63 percent are the drivers and about 37 percent are passengers. Males make up two thirds of the fatalities in these crashes. Teenagers make up only 6 percent of all drivers but are implicated in 14 percent of fatal crashes which is almost nine times the rate of the population.

In reaction to this problem the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents have teenagers sign a “driving contract” that goes over when the teenager can use the car and who can be in it. They also recommend that if the contract is violated that they should take away the privileges. I think this is a good idea because parents and teens are on a contract which says what you can do with the car and what you can’t. I personally used to skip a lot of school in high school and my parents tried to track my mileage to see if I was actually in school or not and that didn’t work for too long. Eventually I broke the rules so many times they stopped caring. I think this is a way better way to achieve a common ground with driving expectations.

Another thing that the article explains is how important it is to have experience and it really does matter. The article says that factors like “alcohol, drugs and distractions like the stereo naturally come to mind, the single biggest reason for both fatal and nonfatal crashes involving teenage drivers is inexperience” (JANE E. BRODY ,2009). In a recent study the highest rate for crashes usually happened within the first month of getting your license and the rate drops down after 5 months of time.

Distractions in the vehicle contribute to accidents for both teenage and adult drivers. But distractions are a more serious problem for beginner drivers because they tend to look away from the road for longer periods and may then drift out of their lane or fail to respond in time to a need or hazard. When I first got my license I got in an accident because I looked down at my radio to change the station. The American Academy of Pediatrics noted that “eating, drinking and adjusting the radio or the climate controls each cause more crashes than cellular phone use…Hands-free cell phones have not reduced the risk significantly”.

Teenagers also tend to be greater risk-takers than adults because they think everything they do is right. They are less likely than adults to use seat belts, especially when driving with other teenagers even though it saves lives. In 2004 a study conducted about teenage car crashes says that 58 percent of people died as a result of not wearing a seat belt. The article says that teenager’s use of seat belts is least likely in the most dangerous of conditions including, when driving at night, under the influence of alcohol or with several teenage passengers.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Myth About Teen Promiscuity

In an article from the nytimes says that there is a myth of rampant teenage promiscuity. Teenager’s parents are constantly worrying about changing moral values and risky behavior among this group. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, reported that the rate of births for 15- to 19-year-olds rose for the first time in over a decade. Although this is alarming news in reality most teens are waiting to have sex and are said to be “more conservative about sex than previous generations” (TARA PARKER-POPE, 2009).

According to the National Youth Risk Behavior Survey the percentage of teenagers that has had sex is 47.8 but in 2007. This percentage is down from a 54.1 percent in 1991. In another report from the Department of Health and Human Services showed that 30 percent of teenage girls ranging in age from 15 – 17 in 2002. This rate was down from 38 percent in 1995. For teenage boys who have had sex in the same age range was 31 percent which was down from 43 percent in 2002.

In the same report, the rates went down for younger teenagers as well. In 2002 only 13 percent of girls had sex before the age of 15 which was down from 20 percent in 1995.
According to Kathleen A. Bogle who is a professor at La Salle University she says that “There’s no doubt that the public perception is that things are getting worse, and that kids are having sex younger and are much wilder than they ever were, But when you look at the data, that’s not the case.”

One main reason people misinterpret teenage sexual behavior is because dating and relationships had changed over time. In the first half of the 20th century, “dating was planned and structured — and a date might or might not lead to a physical relationship” (TARA PARKER-POPE, 2009). This scares the parents of teens now because things aren’t the way they used to be. This new pattern of dating is in forms of gatherings and hook ups. It could also be like this picture. The current rise in teenage pregnancy rates is cause for concern for both parents and teens. It could also be like this picture.

Today there are all types of contraceptives including condoms, birth control and abstinence. The rate has dropped drastically since 1950 same with abortion rates. According to Maria Kefalas who is a professor of sociology at St. Joseph’s University she says that “There is a group of kids who engage in sexual behavior, but it’s not really significantly different than previous generations…This creeping up of teen pregnancy is not because so many more kids are having sex, but most likely because more kids aren’t using contraception.”

According to the Nation Statistics on behavior about 16 percent of teens say they had oral sex. Today’s teens are said to have a more relaxed attitude towards oral sex than previous generations. Also some think this is safer form of sex and pregnancy isn’t a problem to worry about. All it takes for teens to have sex is that it requires time and lack of supervision.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Immigrants in the United States

According to cnn there are 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States which make up 4 percent of the United States population. Most of the illegal immigrants come from our boarder in Mexico which is estimated to be 7million people. In a study conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center estimates there are 4 million children who have at least one parent who entered the United States illegally. Once here these children were born in the United States and are now U.S. citizens as a result. There are about 5.5 million children of illegal immigrants inside the United States, according the Pew study. Image is from

The study also stated that there is an estimate of 1.8 million children of undocumented immigrants live in poverty, “among children whose parents are unauthorized immigrants, one in three is poor” (Wayne Drash, 2009). This is a very high rate for children living in poverty who are children of immigrants. Also a lot of these children have parents who are constantly working to help make a better life for them here. The study also stated that “children of illegal immigrants make up an even greater share of students in America's primary and secondary schools, with nearly 7 percent enrolled in kindergarten through 12th grade” (Wayne Drash, 2009). People from all around the world come to the United States to get an education and opportunity. The Pew Hispanic research also said that children were more likely to live in a two parent household compared to the other parts of the population. The study states that the “vast majority of all children with at least one unauthorized immigrant parent live in two-parent families which is 80 percent” compared to children who had parents U.S. born being 71 percent. This information is explaining how more immigrants are willing to stay together and be depended on each other to manage rather than to just leave or divorce.

However now in our current economy why would you want to come here when companies and banks are failing? Our current unemployment rate right now is 8.5% people who are citizens and illegal are being laid off in all fields. Many people are in debt and borrowed more than they should have and it’s a big mess. But according to the U.S. Census Bureau, Immigrants without citizenship make up more than 5% of the United States. Immigrants are willing to take the jobs that others don’t want to do but times are now changing and many people are desperate and laid off so this (economic recession) might end up affecting more people than previously thought.

Sex Trade: The New slavery

The Federal Beau of Investigation estimates that there are more than 100,000 of children and you women are trafficked into the United States every day. These children can range in age from nine years old to nineteen. Human trafficking is the current slavery of our time. About 200 years ago, the United States outlawed the transatlantic slave trade. And only a few years later the practice of slavery was stopped in Northern part of America. It took the civil war to abolish slavery in the southern states after years of war. While much has changed since the days of the transatlantic slave trade, the “new slavery is now being practiced with children and teenagers. Here is a link to this image .
This is a very big problem which should be addressed and I think that this is more important than the war on drugs. Children, teenagers, young women and men are being bought and sold for their services worldwide by Horney dirty people. People from the United States go to other countries like Mexico and Twain to have sex with young children. My boyfriend’s friend went to Mexico over his spring break and said that people were walking up to him asking him if he wanted sex and one even said “I have a nine year old for you”. This grosses me out and it’s scary to think that someone you know may be involved in this trade. Prostitution is considered the oldest form of work dating back to before the bible.
There are many victims of this and seen as a monetary value not a person with feelings, needs and wants. Many of these victims come from good families and are tricked or kidnapped and forced to do sexual things or their captures threaten their families and their lives. These people are said to be in fact owned by another person. If you think you have come in contact with a victim of human trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1.888.3737.888.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Most children especially teenagers have cell phones now a day and most have camera’s in their phone. However there is a new trend going on that has criminal consequences which could end your child in trouble. Have you ever heard of sexting well neither did I until today. Sexting is “the practice of taking a sexually revealing picture of yourself, typically from a cell phone and sending it to someone” (Larry Magid, 2009). There are also legal consequences with sexting especially when you’re a child or teen. You can actually be charged with child pornography but how could a child be charged with child pornography? Image is from

At Glen Rock Middle and High School police say that there are nude cell phone self-portraits of an eighth grade girl circulating around the schools. The girl sent the pictures to a friend last fall in confidence however started to circulating last Friday. In reaction to this the “school called parents with a stern warning: anyone found with the photos could be prosecuted”. The police also said that if anyone had the pictures "That if they had it to bring it to the police or to delete it within 24 hours." The school is also sending out a letter to parents explaining how these photos are child pornography and “Having or distributing them is considered endangering the welfare of a child”.

Alana O’Neill, a student at Glen Rock explained how she though "I didn't really know that until my mom mentioned it the other day that you could get in trouble for it. And I don't think that many kids know that anything bad can happen from it". This is because children this age think there invincible and that the law doesn’t apply to them but it does.

There have not been any charges filed yet for students having or distributing the photos but are giving a deadline until April 9th to get rid of them. After this date police say they will fill charges. This Thursday the police and Bergen County will have an assembly for students at the Glen Rock schools explaining the child pornography laws.

Children shouldn’t being sending sexting messages because it is degrading to themselves and there are too many people out there who are sick and get off on pictures like that so why would you want your pictures seen by everyone I sure wouldn’t. Things that you do when you’re young have consequences including the things you post and take pictures of once you send a message or post something it’s out there in the virtual world and you can’t take it back most of the time. So my advice to adolescents is being careful and try goggling yourself you might be surprised about what’s out there about you! This is a link to the news cast:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

economic crisis

Dealing with the fallout from the financial crisis and the concern about your job and finances is tough for everyone right now. However taking to teens about what’s going on is very important. In an article from cnn explains the importance of taking to your children about the economy because “it's a conversation worth having, especially now that they're old enough to share the stress”. Mary Gresham a psychologist who specializes in financial issues says that taking to yours teens about the economy will “Not only can you ease their concerns… and you can turn these into teaching moments". Image is from

The last recession was in the beginning of the century and teens now were too young to remember what was going on. Now they are old enough to know what’s going on and the harshness of the situation even if they don't fully understand it. To get the conversation going parents should explain what's happening in our economy and around the world. You should include how “consumers are spending less, stocks are falling, companies are cutting jobs and put it in perspective” (cnn). According to David Barnett a financial adviser in California to engage discussion “Use headlines about rising bankruptcy filings or news of a friend's parent being laid off to underscore the importance of saving money”. Also explain to them that recessions occur on a regular basis and that while this current one may be particularly harsh, the economy will bounce back in time. At this point you can tell them how it is affecting the family and your finances. Explain also how it will ultimately affect them. "You don't want to convey anxiety, just the facts… Start with what's not at risk: their allowance, say, or your ability to pay the mortgage” (cnn).

The next topic you may discuss with your teen could be the vulnerability of your job and that you may not be able to cover all college costs. It is important for teens to know this and to have a plan to pay for college “Tell them exactly how you plan to cope” (cnn). According to psychologist Marlin Potash, who focuses on money and relationships says that you must not tell your children Were going to be ok without explaining why were going to be ok. Let your teens know about choices that affect them like credit cards and loans and give them a chance to share their feelings and suggestions. According to Kathy Stepp, a financial adviser in Overland Park, Kansas says "I want them to understand the concept of living within their means…and the potential consequences if they don't." David Barnett explains how important it is to save money "Times like these really help explain why you need that emergency fund." These teens are the next generation and will soon be trying to get jobs and start earning a salary and it is important for them to know early how to save and mange their money in a smart way so they don’t end up in trouble with their finances.

In a recent poll by Junior Achievement, with the support of The Allstate Foundation, conducted its tenth annual “Teens and Personal Finance” poll in late February of 2009. The survey assesses how the current economic climate has impacted the spending and saving habits of American teens. The poll also looks at how the economic crisis is having an impact on families. It includes recreational activities, such as going out to eat and going to the movies. Also families and teens are taking less expensive vacations or staying home. Teens also report they’re getting reduced allowance and cutting back on extracurricular activities.

The economic crisis appears to be influencing the behavior and spending habits of teens, which have conventionally been the “demographic with the highest percentage of disposable income” (Junior Achievement). Teens today admit to being “anxious about the economy and their current spending habits underscore just how concerned they are” (Junior Achievement). Teens in the workforce are facing similar challenges to those faced by adults including wage reductions, their schedules are being cut, or are getting laid off. Also many teens fewer jobs and there is more competition for the jobs for which they’re applying.
Our economy is so bad that parents are asking teens to contribute to the household. Image is from

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The choking game

According to a article in the nytimes, in the last few years there is an estimate of 82 children who have died because of playing the choking game. The Choking game is a unusual and gradually more common practice, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This game has many names including “Blackout, Flatliner, Fainting Game, California Choke, Dream Game, Airplaning, Suffocation Roulette, Space Cowboy and the Pass-Out Game” (Tara Parker, 2008). and this video is one girl’s experience on this disturbing game. Image is from

The Choking game, which involves deliberately trying to choke yourself to get a quick high is said to have been around for years but is starting to spread. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the “choking game is a dangerous activity that older children and early adolescents sometimes play to get a brief high…they either choke each other or use a noose to choke themselves…after just a short time, children can pass out, which may lead to serious injury or even death from hanging or strangulation”. A theory for this is that “the Internet has made it easier for kids to learn about the game... a search of YouTube turns up several videos warning about the practice, but also several troubling demonstrations by giggling adolescents showing how to play”(Tara Parker, 2008).

Since 2005 there have been at least 60 of the deaths as a result of this game. However sometimes it may be hard to rule out if it is a death or suicides, so sometimes people may be said to have died from one but it was really the other. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the “number of deaths is probably understated, and other experts agree, noting that choking game deaths, which involve accidental strangulation with a rope or belt, often look like suicides”(Tara Parker, 2008).

There is a website that is named GASP, which stands for Games Adolescents Shouldn’t Play, says that “65 children died in 2007 and 1,800 people in the United States had died playing the game in the past 10 years and most were children and teenagers” (Tara Parker, 2008). Many people haven’t even heard of this game until now including myself that why it is important to know what’s going on with your loved ones before it’s too late, “The C.D.C. reports that most adults haven’t even heard of the choking game and have no idea their kids are playing it” (Tara Parker, 2008).

The game can be played in many ways but the goal is to cut off the oxygen to the brain in order to get high before passing out. Adolescents may used their “hands to squeeze the necks of friends, or they may use computer cord, scarves or ropes” (Tara Parker, 2008). In another way is when, “kids bend down and try to induce hyperventilation by taking deep breaths followed by a “bear hug” from a friend” (Tara Parker, 2008). Signs that a child may be engaging in the choking game include “bloodshot eyes, marks on the neck, severe headaches, disorientation after spending time alone, ropes, scarves and belts tied to bedroom furniture or doorknobs or found knotted on the floor, or the mysterious presence of things like dog leashes, choke collars and bungee cords” (Tara Parker, 2008). People need to discuss the effects of the game with their loved ones and parents should be there to listen to their children.

gang life

Teenage gangs are becoming more of a problem lately for adolescents, communities and families. According to a survey conducted in 2006 by the National Youth Gang Survey estimated that there are about 26,500 youth gangs in the United States. There are an estimated of about 785,000 members total. People involved in gangs are usually “responsible for a large share of the violent crimes committed by teens in large urban areas” (Melissa Klein, 2009). Current Health 2 and in Seattle Washington, gang members were responsible for “85 percent of the robberies committed by teens in 1998” (Melissa Klein, 2009). Image is from The most severe gang activity is usually evident in larger cities such as Los Angeles, New York, and Chicago. However, other gangs can also near or in suburbs and small towns, according to James C. Howell, who senior research associate at the National Youth Gang Center.

Here is a table which explains how the rate of gangs is shown from 2002 to 2006:
Table Percentage of Law Enforcement Agencies Reporting Gang Problems, 2002–2006.
A gang has many different definitions it can be a group of people who share a common interest or lead to criminal activity. A common definition of a gang “is a group of three or more individuals who engage in criminal activity and identify themselves with a common name or sign”. A gang is not just a social group of people getting together to hang out. According to Arthur Lurigio, professor of psychology and criminal justice at Loyola University Chicago says that gangs are "If there's no criminal activity, then you are not a gang…. A social group is not a gang”. Arthur Lurigio than says that people involved in gangs are “barely teenagers, while others are your parents' age… The level of involvement in the gang may also vary from hard-core members to wannabe gangsters”.

What makes teens want to become involved in gangs is it might lead to a sense of belonging or family. The attractive appeal for teens is the promise of a sense of belonging that they might not have at home or at school and "the gang becomes the parent for many kids… it becomes the school, the church”, according to Carl Taylor who is a professor of sociology at Michigan State University. Carl Taylor also describes gangs as having a appeal to them for the ones that don’t fit in. Also family members may join to be around older family members. According to Arthur Lurigio Gangs give” teens increased avenues to become involved in criminal activity... "If you are in a gang, you are more likely to be committing every type of crime… You are more likely to carry a weapon; you are more likely to drop out of school”.

Another reason teens may join gangs is because of the “mistaken belief that membership will protect them” (Melissa Klein, 2009). However people involved in gangs are more likely to be involved in crimes than people not in gangs and gang membership extend to the entire community, with some neighborhoods terrorized by drug dealing or robberies. One of the reasons for the gang appeal experts say that the “glamorization of gang life in music videos, video games, and movies fuels the desire to belong to one or just dress and act like a "G" or gangster” (Melissa Klein, 2009). However gang life is not like the TV or music it is often very different than people who join previously thought “Several studies have found that most people who join gangs drop out within a year because the experience is not what they thought it would be... Short-term members typically can leave gangs without consequences, although sometimes they are "beaten out" by other members” (Melissa Klein, 2009).

Sunday, March 29, 2009

eating disorders part 2

Even as the though the number of obese children is reaching record levels and bringing adult diseases like Type 2 diabetes to the teenager, there is a new obsession with dieting has spread to younger and younger people like teenagers. With excess dieting and exercise it may lead to the risk of eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. According to the National Eating Disorders Association about 42 percent of girls ranging from as young as third grade want to be thinner. About 81 percent of 10 year olds girls are afraid of being gat and about 51 percent of 9 and 10 year old girls are content with themselves when they are dieting.

This can lead to an unhealthy obsessing and it can lead on into the teen and adults years if not addressed. In many ways, this “fixation on weight at ever earlier ages comes at an inopportune time physiologically”. Dr. Marcie Schneider, the director of adolescent medicine at Greenwich Hospital, and Erica Leon, a registered dietitian, both said that “early adolescence as a time when a little bit of pudginess is necessary for proper growth, and youngsters wrestle constantly with their body image”. Erica Leon also said that there are a lot of kids on the fad diets like the South Beach and Atkins diets and that overweight children, who try these diets are at risk for developing eating disorders.

Dr. Katherine A. Halmi, who runs the eating disorder program at the Westchester Division of New York-Presbyterian Hospital in White Plains, said she had also “noticed an increase in younger patients. At the hospital there are 20 inpatient beds treating about 350 people a year. She said that in the last ten years “we've seen a gradual increase in children under 12...I just admitted an 11-year-old last night to our unit... youngest patient with anorexia was only 9 years old”. She explains how peer pressure has a lot to do with it and says that the problems are reaching younger girls. Dr. Halmi says that some come “from families who are very health-food oriented, and many have thin mothers who exercise a lot and are very preoccupied with what they're eating, or older sisters who are concerned about their appearance”.

She also thinks that “Magazines aimed at teenagers contribute a lot... The biggest factor with teens and preteens is their own peers”. Here is a quick film about eating disorders.
The video is from

Dr. Judy Scheel, the director of the Center for Eating Disorder Recovery in Mount Kisco explains the difference between Anorexia and Bulimia. She says that, Anorexia is a mental illness in which the person eats hardly enough to live. These people have a distorted thinking makes them think they are fat. Bulimia, a mental illness in which someone “binges on large amounts of food, then purges it through vomiting or the abuse of laxatives, is on the rise, and is surfacing in younger and younger patients, mostly girls”. Dr. Scheel says that about “90 percent of people with eating disorders are female, and often the male victims are on teams like wrestling and crew, where they must keep their weight low for competitive reasons”. Eating disorders are mainly suffered by the female population. Dr. Scheel believes that where “girls claim the eating disorder enables them to be thin, boys typically state their goal is to achieve or maintain a muscular but thin physique”. She states that the average onset for bulimia used to be “17, but to see teenagers age 14 and 15 with bulimia is common these days”. This is important for people to see the warning signs and get their children help early. I think it has a lot do with parenting and how the parents treat the child. I have friend who’s mother always and still tells her she doesn’t need to eat this is not a good role model for her to lose weight healthily when her own mother tells her not to eat.

Dr. Scheel explains how looking at the dynamics of the patient's family is important also. She says that ''Life is fast paced, and we have not taken a lot of time to really listen to our children, to have relationships with them...It's so much easier to deal with just the behavior, instead of the emotions.'' She says that the parents may “need different strategies to address such issues... I have seen every time is a miss in the relationship, in the attachment, with parents who are consumed with how a child does, not who she is, to, at the other extreme, gross infringement and abuse,'' similar to my friend I discussed earlier. She also describes the loving family who doesn’t ever ask how you are feeling etc. This is important for family members to not abuse their children about their weigh and also to listen to them when they are feeling down. Image is from


Obesity in the teen age years is often harmful to a growing young adult’s health and well being. Sue Scheff suggest that “the obesity rate for teens has tripled over the past 25 years and with this increase an average weight, type 2 diabetes, once unknown in young people, is now diagnosed in 45 percent of all new cases involving children or teens. Medical experts fear that high blood pressure and heart disease could become increasingly prevalent among young adults, making this generation of teens the first to have potentially poorer health and shorter life spans than their parents”. This is a alarming statement which is becoming a very real fact in today’s society. Image is from
For teenage girls it can be unhealthier when they gain excessive weight during this time. In an article from USA Today teen girls “often become much less physically active during their teen years, but researchers say that is just when they should move into high gear if they want to control their weight”. It is important to eat healthy and exercise to maintain a healthy weight, but there are always excuses like fast food and no time which keep people from not exercising. Alison Field an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard says that “many girls teen to cut back on activity during puberty because they may not want to sweat or have their hair messed, and that is the worst possible time to stop being active”.

Researchers and scientists at Harvard Medical School in Boston Massachusetts studied data on 3,914 females ages 14 to 22 and if their weight gain was do to maturing or if their weight gain was unhealthy. The study started in 2000 and 2001 and again from 2003 to 2005. Their research suggested that “Some of the younger women were gaining weight because they were still growing and maturing... But most of the older women had reached full maturity, and their weight gain was more likely to be unhealthy”. In the first study in “2001, about 54% of the young women wanted to lose weight, and 24% were trying to maintain their weight” and only half the group said they exercise once a week and 14% said they exercised five or more times a week. The type of physical activity ranged from sports to dancing.

According to the study the teens who gained an average of 7 pound from 2001 to 2005 were the ones who didn’t exercise or eat healthy. The teens who exercised at least once a week and usually ate limited portion sizes gained on average 5 pounds. The group who exercised more than 5 days a week and limited their portion sizes gained about 3 pounds. Alison Field the professor at Harvard suggests that "the key is to find an activity you like, adding that the habits young women form at this time of their lives may be with them for a lifetime”. Another problem is the portion size at fast food and restaurants they are often double the amount you are supposed to have for the day it is important to watch what you eat and exercise regularly in order to maintain a healthier you.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Peer Pressure to be like them

Teenagers often face constant peer pressure to be or do certain things to fit in. in an article from the Washington Post the article suggests that peer pressure can carry a great weight in girls eating and exercise habits and often a pressure to be or look a certain way. The teenage years, is the time when their “awareness is increased regarding figure, weight, image and good looks”. This is also a period when a lot of teenagers facing peer pressure, try fad diets to lose weight or don’t eat food at all. The teenage years are the time of rapid growth and development. There is a need for proper balanced diets and adequate nutritional intake is very important during these years of development. During puberty and teenager years, there is a demand for calories by the body due to increase physical activity and metabolic rate in this group. In a report from the United States Department of AgricultureCenter for Nutrition Policy and Promotion in April 2005 they recommend the average calorie intake for a non obese or overweight girl ranging in age from 13 to 18 needs 2000 and 2400 calories daily.
The article suggests that there are 5 percent of teens who suffer from eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia. Anorexia is when you don’t eat and bulimia is when you eat then purge. The article explains that “teen girls have concerns about their own weight, about how they appear to others and their perceptions that their peers want them to be thin are significantly related to weight control behavior” says psychologist Eleanor Mackey, a doctor at Children’s National Medical Center who was the head of the study. The media related world plays a big part in these children’s perceptions of how they are supposed to look and their friends want them to be the same way because most teens are in cliques. Other studies have found that the cliques which who the teen can identify with can affect if they choose to smoke, drink or take drugs. Teen’s friends can often influence them to be or act like them.
Even though there are pressure to be thin there is also a large number which doubled than the amount of people who are suffering from an eating disorder. There is an estimate of almost a third of young people are overweight, and almost 16 percent are obese according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Being obese places children at in increased risk for a number of health problems including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Images are from and

Monday, March 16, 2009

One laptop per child

One laptop per child is a nonprofit organization whose goal is to provide the world’s poorest children with a low cost, rugged, low powered and connected laptop. The computer shown here is from Their Mission Statement of One Laptop per Child or the (OLPC) is to “empower the children of poor and developing countries to learn by providing a connected laptop to every school-age child” (Nicholas, Negroponte). The organization was founded by Nicholas Negroponte, a professor from MIT in 2002. He saw how the lives of children and their families in a Cambodian village were transformed from acquiring laptops which led to the creation of the XO laptop. It is based on five principles: the Kids keep the laptops, they focus on early education ages 6 to 12, no one gets left out, connection to the internet, free to grow and adapt.

Their mission is to provide a means for “learning, self-expression, and exploration to the nearly two billion children of the developing world with little or no access to education” (Nicholas, Negroponte). Many countries have not enough resources to put towards education and are even less than about $20 per year per child that they use for education resources. In the United States an average amount used for education per child per year is about $7500. In order to accomplish this goal they need people who believe in what they’re doing and want to strive to make education a priority and not a privilege. They need believers in equal education for the have not’s like we talked about in class.

The followers of this foundation believe that by giving children their person own connected XO laptop and they are giving them a essential resource and a window to the outside world. The One laptop per child XO laptop uses software that is designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning. The OLPC foundation also states that when the children have access to this type of tool of essential knowledge in today’s world, they become to get engaged in their own education... This helps children access to information and a way to connect with each other and they learn, share, create, and collaborate. It also helps them for their future with the knowledge of technology, and education. This helps to achieve a brighter future for the underprivileged. I do think this a good idea because it gives other underprivileged people a chance of knowledge and education which is often important with advancement and basic skills needed in today’s world.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Drinking and Driving

Drinking and driving is responsible for more than 5000 deaths a year and teenagers, and they have the highest rate of accidents in all age groups who drive. When it comes to car accidents or collisions they are responsible for more than “40% of all deaths among young people each year”(PR Newswire, 2007). The reasons behind this many accidents can be explained by teenagers inexperience with driving, drinking and being distracted by something. As a new driver you are new to the environment and don’t always make the right decisions before you get behind the wheel. It is important to remember the consequences of drinking and driving.
What are we doing to help prevent teens from drinking and driving and how can we educate teenagers about its risks? Well the federal government has started “taken steps in the past decade to bring attention to the issue, and there are consequences for young drivers charged with drinking and driving. In many states, a teenager will lose their license for a period of a year or longer if they are convicted of driving while intoxicated “(alcoholalert)”. I know in NY if your caught drinking and driving underage you will lose your license until a certain age. This is a good way to deter teens from drinking and driving because they will risk their freedom of driving. Also another thing the government made into a national law was that in all of the 50 states .08 is the drinking limited to drive.

It is said that a person’s driving behavior is determined by who is in the car with you. Sometimes especially teenager will drive recklessly or fast to try to impress someone which is not actually cool and it makes you look stupid. Car accidents are the leading cause of death in teenagers in the United States and it is important for teenagers to use better judgment when they get behind the wheel.

Alcohol use among Adolescents and Young Adults

This week I am going to address the underage drinking and its effects it has on teenagers in the United States. Alcohol use among teenagers and young adults is a prominent health problem in the U.S. According to an article from Alcohol Research and Health, the national surveys of “adolescents, college students, and other young adults in the US reveal high rates of alcohol use among these age groups as well as high rates of dangerous drinking practices such as binge drinking and daily drinking” (Michael Windle, 2003). The effects of drinking everyday and drinking excessively lead to alcoholism. This is not a good way to start your adult life with and addiction to alcohol before even being legally able to consume it.
Surveys conducted suggest that approximately 28 percent of seniors in high school and 40% of college students admitted to binge drinking during a two week time frame. Binge drinking is consuming “five or more drinks in a row” in a short period of time. This type of binge drinking is very dangerous, especially for underage and young adults because of the inexperience they have with alcohol which could lead to alcohol poisoning. Also it has a major contribution to death from a car crash or suicide in this age group. Alcohol can lead to disturbances in personal life including family, school and work.
Alcohol use among adolescents can also lead to risky behaviors, including, sex, smoking, violence, drinking and driving, and suicide. In a study done by Windle, he used over 4000 participants from the ages of 13 to 18 and “2000 people reported strong relationships between binge drinking and smoking…adolescents who reported binge drinking in the 30 days before the survey were 17 times more likely to have smoking during that time than adolescent who did not report binge drinking” (Michael Windle, 2003). Drinking and smoking are hazardous to your health especially when done all the time. I started smoking at the age of 16 and it’s a nasty habit and hard to quit it’s important for teenagers and adolescents to never start.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Teen Suicide and Antidepressants

Pictures from:

In a study done by researchers from the United States Centers and Disease Control and Prevention shows that the suicide rate for “10 to 24 year old rose 8% from 2003 to 2004 after a drop of more than 28% from 1990 to 2003” (Rubenstein, Sarah, 2008). This is an emerging public health issue that needs to be addressed. Jeffrey Bridge is an epidemiologist at the Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio the lead author of this study stated that “we’re seeing more than 600 more suicides in this two-year period than we would have expected, and that is cause for concern” (Rubenstein, Sarah, 2008).It is clear that the suicide rates for young adults and teenagers are climbing, but how come and why after 13 years did the rate raise? A new argument suggests that a “drop in the use of antidepressants has led to an increase in teen suicides” (Rubenstein, Sarah, 2008).

The FDA has a black box warning “which link the drugs to suicidal thoughts and behavior in young people…the warnings contributed to a drop in prescriptions of the drugs for children and adolescents” (Rubenstein, Sarah, 2008) this is not a good sign for people who need to take medication and are choosing not to because of the warning associated with taking antidepressants. Taking antidepressants can save lives and help stable out your moods which is very important when you’re a teenager because you’re always up and down. It is often hard to correctly diagnosis a teenager because often the symptoms and warning signs of depression can go unnoticed or misdiagnosed. When I was a teenager one psychiatrist thought that I had borderline personality disorder but I later realized that it was anxiety and depression.
In 2007 the FDA responded to the concerns about people and the avoidance of antidepressants especially in cases that they were need by “calling for an update to the black box warning, adding that depression and certain other serious psychiatric disorders are themselves the most important cause of suicide” (Rubenstein, Sarah, 2008). Not treating a mental disorder may have tragic effects on that person until it is treated. If a disorder is not treated the person may contemplate suicide. The FDA also stated that “it is our intent to fully inform prescribers about the risks and benefits of antidepressant prescribing not to discourage appropriate prescribing” Rubenstein, Sarah, 2008) this is a good idea because people always look for the doctor’s expert opinion. We trust their judgment that they are giving us helpful medicine so it is very important that they explain the risks and benefits to patients before use. It is very important if you are feeling down or depressed to talk to someone and let them know how your feeling sometimes all you need is to talk to someone and get advice.

The link for this article:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Did you know

The length of the video is (4:42).

I enjoyed watching this video and it was very informative and entertaining. There were a lot of interesting facts that i did not know before watching this video. I think that it does show a form of xenophobia because it compares the United States again and again to other countries like India and China. It makes statements like how India has 25% of the population with the highest IQ and its greater than the total of the United States and china will be the number one speaking english country. In the video it said that we are preparing our students for jobs that don't even exist yet. Thats pretty insane to think about because they having be though of to employ people in an area but we are teaching and preparing students to get ready for it. Also that we are using technologies that haven't been inventeed in order to solve problems that we don't even know are problems yet. These are pretty real facts our technology's are going to expand to new technologies in the future and we will face new problems that haven't even surfaced yet. Every class I take now invovles a computer even when I take spanish class I am siting in front of a computer.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Teen Suicide Prevention

The rate of teen suicide is rising in the United States. In a recent study surveying high school students 60 percent admitted that they thought about killing themselves, and about nine percent admitted to trying at least one. This is an alarming rate. Why do students this young want to die. I don’t understand why they can’t see that maybe after high school life changes. Life can’t possibly be this bad as a teenager but apparently at that age you think that their world is coming to an end for various reasons. It is stated that “Boys commit suicide more often than girls” I think this is because boys suicide’s are often more successful than girls suicides.

Why has the rate of teen suicide gone up in recent years?

· It’s easier to get the tools for suicide (ex: boys often us guns and girls often use pills)
· The pressures of modern life are greater
· Competition for good grades and college admissions is tough
· There’s more violence in the newspapers and on television

Another reason for the rate is the lack of parental interest in their children. Many children in the United States live in a non nuclear family. Each person’s family is different than the next especially in current times. Many children live in single parent or divorced homes and it is hard for children to cope with because there is only one parent there. Also children can grow up with parents that are never around to take care of them which is very tough on a child because they need to learn about the real world quick in order to survive. According to a study about “90 percent of suicidal teen-agers believed their families did not understand them…they also reported that when they tried to tell their parents about their feelings of unhappiness or failure their parents denied their point of view” This is showing that parents are not listening and giving their children the attention and support they need when they dare down.

What signs are there to see if my teenager is depressed or thinking about suicide?

Has their personality changed dramatically?
Are they having trouble with his relationships?
Has the quality of school work gone down?
Do they always seen bored, and have trouble concentrating?
Have they run away from home?
Do they talk about suicide, even in a joking manner?
Have they tried to commit suicide before?
Have their appearance changed for the worse?
Are they giving away their things?

If you think that you know someone thinking about suicide don’t remain silent. Suicide is preventable but you need to help immediately.

What should I do?

· Ask about it. Don’t be afraid to say suicide it may open the door to them letting you help them.
· Tell them you care about them and tell them that no matter how bad your problems are they can be fixed or worked on and that you are willing to help them through it.
· Ask about how they feel and listen carefully.
· Get professional help from a outpatient or hospital based treatment program.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Teen Suicide

I found this image on

Teen suicide is the third leading cause of death for adolescents between the ages of 15 to 24. It is the fourth leading cause for children between the ages of 10 to 14 years old. Teen suicide is an important issue to take seriously because it does happen way more than it should. Last Wednesday a seventeen year old student at the elite Dalton School in New York City committed suicide by jumped to his death from his school building. The authorities said that after he arrived at school he went to the “dance studio, opened a window and jumped…students playing below scattered when the body hit the sidewalk, witnesses told the” (Lazarowitz, Elizabeth, 2009). The teenager was identified as Theodore Graubard who was described as a “well liked, accomplished athlete and scholar who seemed to have much going for him” (Lazarowitz, Elizabeth, 2009). He was a junior at Dalton and had won a few “academic awards and was involved in school activities including its web site” (Lazarowitz, Elizabeth, 2009). What could possibly make this teenager who went to a prestigious school with opportunity and a future end his life at such a young age? Why did this happen and how come no one saw it?

I went to the Dalton’s school web page and I looked at the tuition to this prestige Dalton school and it is $33,100 per academic year. That tuition is more for one year for grades K - 12 than the four years of mercy I am attending to get my Bachelors in Behavioral Science. Why is it so much money to go to a school like that and your not even getting a college education yet and am I not getting a good education because I am not paying as much as them? I just don’t understand why the tutition is so high and how come people pay that much when they can send they kids to public school instead.

I looked at Dalton’s School Mission Statement and it stated that the “Dalton School is committed to providing an education of excellence that meets each student’s interests, abilities and needs within a common curricular framework and reflects and promotes an understanding of, and appreciation for, diversity in our community as an integral part of school life”( This school sounds like they go above and beyond for the students with they own interests and learing abilities in the school setting. I also see that they want to teach the students about the communities as well as work in the classwork.

Dalton school also has 4 major principles that they do daily in school.

1. Valuing all dimensions of each child – intellectual, social, emotional, aesthetic, physical and spiritual.

2. Cultivating values of respect, integrity, compassion and justice to encourage community responsibility, combat prejudice and engage students as participants in a democratic society and global community.

3. Developing intellectual independence and risk-taking through inquiry, direct experience and collaboration.

4. Valuing all disciplines – the arts, sciences, humanities and physical development in an interdisciplinary curriculum, mindful of our historical emphasis on music, dance, theater and visual arts.

After reading that there seems to be too much going on for these children I can easily see why these students are stressed out. I bet this school also has a serious grading system. The school requires a lot of work for these students and probably tough standards to achieve which leads to high stress and anxiety. The student that recently died last week was a sad outcome to a tragedy that could have been prevented. People and especially parents expect so much from teenagers which is a very hard time for teens because of all the changes going one. These are still children and not adults there in between. We need to realizes that sometimes there are some warning signs like stress, changes in mood and appearance, loss of appetite use of drugs sleep, disturbances and depression which are risk factors a teens might be showing if mentally unstable. If you notice a friend or relative is unstable try and talk to them maybe they will open up and talk its worth a try especially in times like now when suicide rates are high.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dating Violence

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Teenagers frequently experience violence in their dating relationships. In most cases teenagers are involved in their first relationship and don’t have any other dating experience. Violence can occur and the victim may think it’s ok because they don’t have anything to compare it against but this is not the case. Statistics show that “one in three teenagers has experienced violence in a dating relationship” ( and that is an alarming rate. This type of violence is about maintaining power and control over the other person through abuse. Dating violence does not have any boundaries it can cross all racial, economic and social lines like we saw with Chris Brown and Rihanna. In most cases the victims are young women.
Dating violence can often go under the radar of most people because teenagers are so new to dating and are inexperience. There can also be “pressure by peers to act violently” ( especially when it comes to the males because males tend to be more aggressive than women. Also teenagers want to have their independence from their parents and think they have all the answers. Teenagers are very reluctant to tell their parents much especially when it comes to relationships.
This violence can also be influenced by how teenagers look at themselves and other people. Both young men and women can have different views. First for young women they may believe that they “are responsible for solving problems in their relationships, their boyfriend’s jealousy, possessiveness and even physical abuse is romantic, and that abuse is normal” ( because their friends and family might go through it as well. The young men might believe that they have the “right to control their female partners in any way necessary, masculinity is physical aggressiveness, they possess their partner, and they should demand intimacy” ( and also they might believe they will lose a certain respect from their friends and girlfriends if they are supportive and attentive toward their girlfriends.
To avoid being in a abusive relationship there are a few things to notice or early warning signs that can help you realize if your partner may become or is abusive. Some clues might be:
Ø Extreme jealousy
Ø Shows hypersensitivity
Ø Believes in rigid sex roles
Ø Blames others for his problems or feelings
Ø Cruel to animals or children
Ø Verbally abusive
Ø Abused former partners
Ø Threatens violence
Ø Controlling behavior
Ø Quick involvement
Ø Unpredictable mood swings
Ø Alcohol and drug use
Ø Explosive anger
Ø Isolates you from friends and family
Ø Uses force during an argument
Also there are some common clues that might indicate if a teenager is experiencing dating violence. Some of the signs are:
Ø Physical signs of injury
Ø Truancy, dropping out of school
Ø Failing grades
Ø Indecision
Ø Changes in mood or personality
Ø Use of drugs/alcohol
Ø Pregnancy
Ø Emotional outburst
Ø Isolation
If you are involved in an abusive relationship you must remember that it is not your fault and no one deserves to be abused or threatened. You must get away from your abuser and seek help before it is to late. Abusers tend to get worse over time and not better so it is important for people who are in abusive relationship to take care of themselves and get the help they need because no one deserves it.

Date Rape

When people think of rape they might think of a stranger coming from out of nowhere and sexually attacking someone. However most of the time this is not the case. A rapist can be someone you know very well which is actually very scary to think about. According to an article I found on date rape is stated that “about half of all people who are raped know the person who attacked them…girls and women are most often raped, but guys also can be raped” (D’Arcy Lyness PhD, 2009). When forced sexual acts occur between two people who know each other it is known as date rape or acquaintance rape. Also, even if the people have had sexual relations before it is still considered rape if both parties didn’t consent to it. I found this image on

Rape is not about sex or passion and has absolutely nothing to do with love. It is considered an act of aggression and violence followed by a label and punishment. People who were raped are not to blame and it is always the rapist fault even if the person raped was dating them. Sometimes people say oh well they were asking for it because of what they wore or how they acted but again it is never the victims fault.

I found this image on

Drugs and alcohol often play a role in date rape. Drinking and using drugs makes a person less aware of their surrounding and they may do things that they might not normally do when they are sober. People often drug their victims drinks by putting “roofies like GHB, xanax and ketamine…drugs like these can easily be mixed in drinks to make a person black out and forget things that happened”’Arcy Lyness PhD, 2009). It is always important to watch your drinks and make sure you don’t leave it unintended because there are a lot of messed up people out there waiting to take advantage.

To help protect yourself from being raped it is important to take certain precautions like avoid secluded places, stay sober and aware of your surroundings. Also don’t hang around people who you don’t trust if you have any doubt in your mind about a person leave. People should also hang out in groups. Most importantly, if you’re not ready to have sex and you’re in a relationship let your partner know so that you’re both on the same page. If you are a victim of rape it is very important for you to seek help and talk to someone. Rape can be equally physically and emotionally damaging to people who have went through such a traumatic experience.