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Drinking and driving is responsible for more than 5000 deaths a year and teenagers, and they have the highest rate of accidents in all age groups who drive. When it comes to car accidents or collisions they are responsible for more than “40% of all deaths among young people each year”(PR Newswire, 2007). The reasons behind this many accidents can be explained by teenagers inexperience with driving, drinking and being distracted by something. As a new driver you are new to the environment and don’t always make the right decisions before you get behind the wheel. It is important to remember the consequences of drinking and driving.
What are we doing to help prevent teens from drinking and driving and how can we educate teenagers about its risks? Well the federal government has started “taken steps in the past decade to bring attention to the issue, and there are consequences for young drivers charged with drinking and driving. In many states, a teenager will lose their license for a period of a year or longer if they are convicted of driving while intoxicated “(alcoholalert)”. I know in NY if your caught drinking and driving underage you will lose your license until a certain age. This is a good way to deter teens from drinking and driving because they will risk their freedom of driving. Also another thing the government made into a national law was that in all of the 50 states .08 is the drinking limited to drive.
It is said that a person’s driving behavior is determined by who is in the car with you. Sometimes especially teenager will drive recklessly or fast to try to impress someone which is not actually cool and it makes you look stupid. Car accidents are the leading cause of death in teenagers in the United States and it is important for teenagers to use better judgment when they get behind the wheel.
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